All across London, appearing in myriad forms, are the vital structures that allow the hidden underground infrastructure of the city to operate: ventilation shafts. They emerge, often disguised as buildings, columns or sculptures, from that other vast city that lies beneath our feet, of tunnels, sewers, bunkers, and other underground spaces, all needed to keep London working. This book is the culmination of the Inventive Vents project, led by Our Hut and funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, which celebrates these shafts and investigates the subterranean world to which they provide clues. Discover them for yourself with this illuminating gazetteer.
Richly illustrated with maps and photographs this 96 page colourful spiral bound book has a handy elastic band useful for ventilation shaft discovery expeditions. It also contains two beautiful postcards each featuring an iconic vents.
Paperback with rubber band